Sunday, 16 August 2009

Total Politics #20 Libertarian Blog!

Flatteringly (and surprisingly) enough, we have been voted by Total Politics readers as the 20th best libertarian blog in the country!

Here are the other top 20:

  1. Guido Fawkes
  2. Devil's Kitchen
  3. Old Holborn
  4. Obnoxio the Clown
  5. Underdogs Bite Upwards
  6. Tim Worstall
  7. Samizdata
  8. Boatang & Demetriou
  9. Dick Puddlecote
  10. LPUK Blog
  11. Last Ditch
  12. Constantly Furious
  13. Anna Raccoon
  14. Freedom to Choose
  15. Rantin' Rab
  16. Plato Says
  17. Charles Crawford
  18. An Englishman's Castle
  19. Frank Davis
  20. Oxford Libertarian Society
Thanks to everyone who voted for us, and I promise there will be some more posts up soon. I am currently writing one about what libertarians can learn from the recently deceased philosopher GA Cohen, but it's looking to be a long one and will most likely take a little while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm contacting you regarding our campaign to re-introduce gun ownership to the UK for self defence purposes.

We are currently running a forum and a pro-gun website to establish how we can restore this basic right and we would be very grateful if you could help us by running an article or a link on your blog.

The forum URL is - and the pro-gun website is

Thanks for your help in this matter.

Kind Regards

Graham Showell